Y rhai mewn llongau ânt i'r dòn, A'u taith uwch mawrion ddyfroedd, A welant ryfeddodau'r Ion, A hyn mewn eigion moroedd. A'i air cyffrôdd dymhestloedd mawr, Cyfododd dirfawr dònau Hyd awyr fry, hyd eigion llawr, Ac ofnent 'nawr rhag angau. Gan synu ac ymdroi fel hyn, Dull meddwyn welid arnynt; Ac ar eu Duw y rhoisant lef: Daeth Ef â chymhorth iddynt. Gwnaeth E'r ystorm yn dawel, dêg, A'r tònau'n osteg gwastad; Yn llawen galon doent i'r lan, I'r man 'roedd eu dymuniad. Cyffesent hwythau ger ei fron Ei fawrion drugareddau; Ac i blant dynion, fel y gwnaeth Yn helaeth ryfeddodau. Holl gynnulleidfa ei bobl ef, Clod Duw hyd nef dyrchafant; Holl eisteddfeydd penaethiaid hen, Yn llawen a'i moliannant. dymhestloedd mawr :: dymhestloedd gwynt synu ac ymdroi :: ysgwyd a phendroi meddwyn welid :: meddwyn, synai 'roedd eu :: y bai'u Cyffesent :: Addefent
Tôn [MS 8787]: |
Those who in ships go to the wave, And their journey above great waters, Shall see the wonders of the Lord, And this in an ocean of seas. With his word he agitated great tempests, He agitated enormous waves Up to the sky above, down to an ocean below, And they were afraid now of death. Being frightened and wallowing thus, They appeared as drunk; And on their God they gave a cry: He brought help to them. He made the storm quiet, fair, And the waves calm and even; With a joyful heart they came to the shore, The the place where their desire was. They confessed before him His great mercies; And to the children of men, how he did Wonders abundantly. All of the community of his people, Raise the praise of God to heaven; The whole court of old chiefs Joyfully will praise him. great tempests :: tempests of wind as drunk :: as a drunkard staggering :: :: tr. 2010,22 Richard B Gillion |
23 They that in ships, with courage bold, o'er swelling waves their trade pursue, 24 Do God's amazing works behold, and in the deep his wonders view. 25 No sooner his command is past, but forth the dreadful tempest flies, Which sweeps the sea with rapid haste, and makes the stormy billows rise. 26 Sometimes the ships, tossed up to heav'n, on tops of mounting waves appear; Then down the steep abyss are driven; whilst ev'ry soul dissolves with fear. 27 They reel and stagger to and fro, like men with fumes of wine oppressed; Nor do the skilful seamen know which way to steer, what course is best. 28 Then straight to God's indulgent ear they do their mournful cry address; Who graciously vouchsafes to hear, and frees them from their deep distress. 29 He does the raging storm appease, and makes the billows calm and still; 30 With joy they see their fury cease, and their intended course fulfil. 31 O then that all the earth with me would God for this his goodness praise, And for the mighty works which he throughout the wond'ring world displays! 32 Let them, where all the tribes resort, advance to heav'n his glorious Name, And in the elders' sov'reign court, with one consent his praise proclaim!
N Tate & N Brady